You know what? I'm going to test this by gathering Floaters and seeing if I can manually flip over a Cyclops. I guess I just thought maybe if the Cyclops is flipped upside down it enters a 'capsized' mode and becomes inoperable? This can be seen on the wiki page for the Floater:Ī single Floater attached to a Cyclops can tilt it to the point of complete loss of control of the vehicle. I've never had the Cyclops be destroyed by capsizing, but I remember something on the wiki mentioning something along those lines. Enemies will wait a while after attacking before they attack again, though. 5-8 hits can destroy the sub if not repaired. One hit from a reaper, ghost or sea dragon can bring the cyclops below 80, which will require you to go outside to repair the breaches. I've had this game for about (give or take a few months) two years now and even then when back in EA the game bugged out and my cyclops decided it wanted to be a rocket and flipped up vertical it didn't kill it (that was a fun day, I was stuck standing on the back wall of the engine room and had to 'parkour' my way to the exit). Stalker, sandshark, boneshark and warper cant hurt it. Where did you see it getting destroyed by capsizing? Or if it happened to you, how long ago back into EA was it? Originally posted by Usernamehere:I don't know if it can, that's why I'm asking Steam.